Is hydrotherapy right for you pet?
Controlled swimming helps to improve cardiovascular stamina, muscle tone, range of movement and is particularly helpful in aiding recovery from injury or surgery whilst also improving general fitness, especially in the management of obesity.
Muscle wastage begins within 3 days of any immobilisation so to prevent further weakness or injury it is important to rebuild, through safe exercise, any muscles that have deteriorated.
It is better to treat dogs in heated water since cold water causes constriction of the blood vessels near the skin and to the superficial muscles (those just under the skin) which restricts the flow of blood making the muscles less efficient.
Hydrotherapy is also considered to be a natural anti-inflammatory through its ability to reduce tissue swelling.
Hydrotherapy can be performed in either a pool or aquatic treadmill in which JCB Animal Physio Rehabilitation offers both
Hydrotherapy in conjunction with veterinary treatment can significantly improve the quality and rate of healing following surgery or traumatic injury. Post surgery the careful use of hydrotherapy can help with rehabilitation and increase the chance of a successful return to full fitness.
Enhancing general health and fitness can aid convalescence and speed up recovery
Hydrotherapy has specific therapeutic effects on body tissues
At JCB Animal Physio Rehabilitation Centre we are striving to be able to offer your pets all the options of rehabilitation under one roof. New to Autumn 2021, we have now installed an underwater treadmill to be able to offer the complete package of physiotherapy and hydrotherapy under one roof! Take a look at the specs below:
Hydrotherapy Pool
2.2m x 2m swim space
1.2m swim depth
Twin jets
Easy access ramp in and out
Resting platform
Pool therapy provides:
Therapist with 360 degree control
Better control of humidity and temperature
Proprioceptively rich therapies
Ability to undertake dynamic & static handling
The ability to walk and swim dogs
Can be limited in…
Supporting nervous dogs
Provision for compact treatment centres
Single therapist treatment of paralysis conditions
8mph speed
forwards and backwards
Low viewing panels on each side
Low entry
Touch screen control
Water depth markers
Underwater treadmill therapy provides:
Ability to quickly control water height
The ability to walk and swim dogs
Ability to undertake dynamic & static handling
Compact space compatible treatment
The need for just one therapist
Can be limited in…
Therapists access to all areas of the dog
Ability to control humidity
Ability to control overstretch of the spine
The ability to vary rehabilitation techniques
How do you make the right choice
As you can see from above, both formats provide the ability to undertake extensive portfolios of dynamic and static handling techniques however ultimately the decision should come down to the Behaviour and Breed Standards of your animal – not the marketing ploys of hydrotherapy businesses.
So, in our opinion, choosing a hydrotherapy type should be based on:
A Hydrotherapy Pool
If your dog:
Is a brachycephalic breed due to the humidity risks of a treadmill
Is nervous of enclosed environments due to the nature of a treadmill
Is an amputee as a dog losing balance in a treadmill could be catastrophic
Is a large breed that simple won’t comfortably fit in anything other than a pool
An Underwater Treadmill
If your dog:
Is nervous of large open environments due to the nature of a hydrotherapy pool
Is nervous of water as treadmills can be filled slowly
Has significant access issues due to the ability to enter and exit easily or where second therapists are unavailable
Here at JCB Animal Physio Rehabilitation Centre we strive to provide the correct care and rehabilitation to your animals needs taking many factors into account from injury or ailment, to temperament, health status and conformation